The QPR Blog

…local government stuff you never even thought to ask about…

Water Supply Access

Posted by Pete on 11 October 2011
Filed under: Regulations

An interesting situation arose recently with the extension of the water mains in Braidwood to service the Braidwood Showgrounds. Under Section 552 of the Local Government Act 1993, properties within the statutory distance of 225 metres of the water mains may be subject to water supply access charges, regardless of whether or not those properties are supplied with water. This is not generally a problem in urban or village areas, but this extension resulted in a mains being run in a rural area. (more…)

Fencing Standards

Posted by Pete on 11 October 2011
Filed under: Regulations

At its October General Meeting, Council approved amendments to the Palerang Development Control Plan Fencing Requirements in Rural, Environmental Protection and Rural Residential Areas. The amendments only apply to the minimum fencing requirements for new subdivisions, with a goal of providing more wildlife-friendly fencing in areas where higher fencing standards are unnecessary. (more…)

Credit where credit is due

Posted by Pete on 7 October 2011
Filed under: General

Many people will be aware of the on-going investigations by ICAC into certain aspects of the operation of a large number of NSW Councils. Hopefully, just as many will be aware that Palerang has been identified as the only Council in our immediate area that is not under investigation. (more…)

Macs Reef Road WTS development delayed

Posted by Pete on 5 October 2011
Filed under: Rubbish

Unfortunately, we’ve hit a bit of a snag with the Development Application for the new waste transfer station at the Macs Reef Road tip site. The consultant who was contracted to assess the DA (Council will generally engage a third party to assess DAs in which Council has a direct interest) ‘discovered’ a potable bore in the vicinity of the site, and this unfortunately means that the new facility falls into the category of a Designated Development. (more…)
