The QPR Blog

…local government stuff you never even thought to ask about…

Council Community Committees

Posted by Pete on 31 December 2011
Filed under: Community

Under Section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council is able to delegate some of its functions to a committee of Council. Council uses this delegation to appoint community representatives to individual committees that are tasked with the care, control and management of a particular Council facility or activity. Council also appoints community representatives to committees that perform certain other functions of Council. (more…)


Posted by Pete on 16 December 2011
Filed under: General

At its December 2011 GM, Council resolved to hold a referendum, in conjunction with the Local Government elections in September 2012, on whether or not to introduce a ward system within the Palerang LGA.

The subject of wards, or electoral ridings as they were previously known, has been under discussion since Palerang came into existence. Both the former Talleganda and Yarrowlumla Shires operated under ward systems, but wards were eliminated without any public consultation when the two shires were amalgamated.

Wards are simply a means of dividing a local government area into several electoral regions for the purpose of local government elections, in the same way that states are divided into electoral Districts, and the nation into electoral Divisions, for state and federal elections respectively. (more…)
