The QPR Blog

…local government stuff you never even thought to ask about…

Road Reserves

Posted by Pete on 30 January 2012
Filed under: Regulations,Roads

I’ve had a couple of queries of late relating to road reserves. Misunderstandings surrounding the limitations associated with crown road reserves in particular have caused some grief.

Crown road reserves are generally parcels of land that were set aside for road access to land allocations at the time they were originally surveyed, sometimes back as far as the 1800s. Roads have indeed been built on many of these reserves, but many are also just vacant crown land. (more…)

Heritage Listing

Posted by Pete on 1 January 2012
Filed under: Regulations

I’ve added a section on heritage and heritage listing under the PLEP section of the Palerang Info Zone elsewhere on this website. To access this information, click on the Palerang Info Zone, then PLEP, then Heritage links in the left side menu, or just follow the links embedded in the previous sentence.

The new section includes an overview of the heritage listing process and a list of Frequently Asked Questions on the subject.
