The QPR Blog

…local government stuff you never even thought to ask about…

Building Approvals

Posted by Pete on 30 December 2013
Filed under: Regulations

I had a call recently, asking if I could help resolve a problem associated with the issue of an Occupation Certificate for a new home. Councils are often criticised for bureaucratic intransigence in planning matters, but this is a good example of regulations that exist to protect potential owners. (more…)

You and Your Rates

Posted by Pete on 24 November 2013
Filed under: Rates

This subject comes up from time to time, in various forums. It can be a complex issue, and I can’t possibly cover everything in just one post.

While it’s probably less of an issue for rural residential properties, a rates notice generally includes several line items: typically ordinary rates and a list of applicable charges. (more…)

PLEP Environmental Controls

Posted by Pete on 26 October 2013
Filed under: Regulations

There remains some confusion in parts of the community relating to the role that land use zones play in the application of environmental controls over land use practices under the new PLEP. (more…)

Heritage Matters

Posted by Pete on 25 August 2013
Filed under: Community,Regulations

With the interest in ‘heritage’ buildings in Bungendore at the moment, I thought it might be of interest to provide a brief overview of some of the whys and wherefores of heritage listing. (more…)

Planning Reform

Posted by Pete on 25 July 2013
Filed under: Regulations

As if battling through the gestation of the new Palerang Local Environmental Plan (PLEP) hasn’t been difficult enough, we are also in the throes of major planning reform that will see a significant restructure of NSW and local government planning instruments. We’ll just see the new PLEP take effect and it’ll be all change again. (more…)

In the Zone

Posted by Pete on 24 July 2013
Filed under: Regulations

There has been an ongoing debate in one sector of the Palerang rural residential community over whether or not the proposed E4 (Environmental Living) zoning in the Palerang Local Environmental Plan is appropriate, the alternative being the R5 (Large Lot Residential) zone. You can read more about specific issues in other posts (Rural Residential Zoning Objectives, Much Ado About Nothing, Lost in Translation, PLEP Land Use Zones). All manner of hypothetical arguments have been presented, but they all skirt the real issue. So let’s cut to the chase. (more…)

Constitutional Recognition

Posted by Pete on 23 June 2013
Filed under: General

This item is now only of historical interest. With the nomination of 7 September 2013 as the date for the Federal Election, the statutory time requirements for the announcement of a referendum cannot be met, so the proposed referendum cannot be held at this time.

The referendum would have sought endorsement to amend the Australian Constitution to recognise the existence of local government. (more…)

Development Approvals

Posted by Pete on 28 May 2013
Filed under: Regulations

From time to time, councillors are contacted by residents with problems associated with development approvals. The enquiries generally fall into two categories: the determination of a DA seems to be taking a long time, or the Conditions of Consent accompanying a [successful] DA determination appear to be overly demanding. (more…)

Rural Residential Zoning Objectives

Posted by Pete on 20 May 2013
Filed under: Regulations

There has been a degree of confusion in some quarters relating to the derivation of the objectives of the new rural residential zones, the R5 Large Lot Residential and E4 Environmental Living land use zones. (more…)

Local Government Reform

Posted by Pete on 28 April 2013
Filed under: General

In 2012, the NSW government established the Independent Local Government Review Panel (Review Panel) to undertake a review, and to formulate options to improve the strength and effectiveness of local government. The Review Panel has released several discussion papers, the most recent last week, entitled Future Directions of NSW Local Government—Twenty Essential Steps. (more…)

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