The QPR Blog

…local government stuff you never even thought to ask about…

PLEP Land Use Zones

Posted by Pete on 28 January 2013
Filed under: Regulations

Property owners will have recently received a letter from Palerang Council advising that the zoning of their land will change under the new Palerang Local Environmental Plan (PLEP). In most cases, the consequences of the change will be at most minimal, but I thought it might be of interest to explain what’s going on.

The main purpose of land use zoning, as the name implies, is to control land use in various parts of the shire. (more…)

Macs Reef Road WTS DA Approved

Posted by Pete on 24 January 2013
Filed under: Rubbish

It’s taken a while, but development approval for the Macs Reef Road waste transfer station was finally granted by a special sitting of the Joint Regional Planning Panel today (24 January 2013). Members of the Panel were quite complimentary in noting the level of community involvement with the project, remaking that while not unheard of, it was quite unusual for projects like this.

The new facility will be constructed in the area between the existing landfill and Macs Reef Road and is due for completion by the middle of 2014, in the same time frame as the Bungendore waste transfer station. The current landfill will remain open until the new waste transfer station is operational, at which time it will be closed an rehabilitated in accordance with the conditions of consent for the new facility. (more…)
