The NSW government has now responded to the Independent Local Government Review Panel (ILGRP) recommendations by releasing its Fit for the Future (FFTF) blueprint for the reform the NSW local government sector. This program requires each council to effectively prepare a business plan for its future, based on the recommendations of the ILGRP. The ultimate goal is to give communities confidence that their council is financially sound, operating efficiently and in a strong position to guide community growth and deliver quality services. (more…)
The QPR Blog
…local government stuff you never even thought to ask about…
Palerang LEP 2014
Having been formally made on Friday 19 September 2014, the Palerang Local Environmental Plan 2014 is now available on the NSW government legislation website. (more…)
Building Certificates
I’ve received a couple of calls recently from residents who have discovered only when they came to sell their property, that all the relevant approvals were not in place. (more…)
Waste Management
Having dealt with rates (to some extent) and roads in recent posts, I thought I’d round out council’s three ‘R’s with a few words on rubbish. It’s a bit of a dirty subject in several ways, not least because of the costs involved.
Most readers will be aware that new waste transfer stations are under construction at both the current Bungendore and Macs Reef Road tip sites. The works that are currently under way in both locations are plain to see. Both facilities are due to come into service on 4 December 2014. At this time, the associated landfill areas will be closed, and Palerang Council’s waste management model will change, most significantly in that residents will be charged at the gate of the new facilities to dispose of rubbish. (more…)
Local Government Funding
At the risk of sounding like I’m making a political statement in the shadow of the federal budget, but following on from the posts of recent months, I thought I’d provide an overview of the regular sources of funding that allow council to carry on its business. Of course it’s budget time for council too, so the following information is also topical in that respect. All quoted figures are from council’s most recent (2012-2013) Audit Report. (more…)
Bridge Infrastructure
Following on from last month’s piece, where we discussed road infrastructure, this month I thought I’d try to provide a little insight into the challenges associated with bridge maintenance in our shire. Palerang is by no means the only shire impacted by the need to replace aging bridge infrastructure. It is a common problem in rural areas, where bridges may have been built to fill a need at a particular time in history, but with heavier vehicles and increased usage are no longer up to the task. (more…)
Road Infrastructure
We’ve held a number of community information sessions over the past couple of years, in conjunction with major road works, to help people understand the road building process. We’ve also presented some background information on council‘s road infrastructure that I thought may be of general interest. (more…)
Local Government Reform (Update 03/14)
This is a bit of a dry subject, but I thought it might be worth providing a bit of an update at this point. The final report from the Independent Local Government Review Panel was released in January. (more…)
Swimming Pools
Readers may not be aware that new laws relating to swimming pool safety come into force from 29 April 2014. From this date, all properties with a swimming pool or spa pool that are sold or leased must have a valid swimming pool Certificate of Compliance (or an appropriate Occupation Certificate issued within the last three years). (more…)