The control of noxious weeds is sometimes a prickly issue, if you’ll pardon the pun, but it’s very much that time of the year so I thought it might be useful to provide a little background to the management of noxious weeds. (more…)
The QPR Blog
…local government stuff you never even thought to ask about…
Local Government Reform (Update 10/15)
Well, we are told that the end of the process that has been under way for the better part of the last four years is drawing near. (more…)
Special Rate Variations
This seemed like a timely opportunity to provide an update on Council’s ongoing efforts to address the directives provided under the NSW Government’s Fit For the Future (FFTF) program. (more…)
Development Applications
Following recent posts on development processes, I thought I might take a step back and take a broader look at the Development Application (DA) process. (more…)
The Electronic Housing Code
In a previous post I made reference to the Electronic Housing Code (EHC), a new on-line planning approval tool. Now that Palerang data is available through the EHC, I thought I might remind readers of this new on-line service. (more…)
Section 149 Planning Certificates
Section 149 Planning Certificates are issued by local Councils under the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979. They contain information about how a property may be used and restrictions that might apply to development. Under the Conveyancing Act 1919, a Section 149 Planning Certificate must be attached to any contract of sale for a property. (more…)
Exempt and Complying Development
The issue of exempt or complying developments has come up a couple of times recently, so I thought it might be worth providing a brief overview of where these fit in the planning process. (more…)
Change of Use
I recently visited a friend in northern NSW. As is often the case these days, discussion pretty quickly turned to the subject of local government, and the ‘useless local council’.
My friend was most aggrieved that he had bought a property that was ‘fully approved’, but when he wanted to open a bed and breakfast business, he was required to make extensive changes to things that he had been advised previously conformed to all relevant regulations. (more…)
Solid Fuel Heaters
How many people are not aware that council approval is currently required for the installation or replacement of “a domestic oil or solid fuel heating appliance, other than a portable appliance”? If you’ve put your hand up, I can assure you that you’re not alone. (more…)
Palerang Development Control Plan
All planning and development in NSW is carried out under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000. (more…)