The QPR Blog

…local government stuff you never even thought to ask about…


Posted by Pete on 27 September 2011
Filed under: Regulations

I received a ‘phone call from a resident recently, concerned by a letter he had received from Council. The letter referred to an access roadway that was being upgraded, and suggested that some 600 tonnes of fill that he had brought onto his property for the purpose of this exercise would need to be removed.

As it turned out, the real problem was simply the source of the fill, and once this had been established, the issue was resolved.

This case raises two points, the first relating to the construction of access roadways, and the second to the importation of fill.

The property in question was in the Yarrowlumla rural 1(a) (general rural) zone, and council approval is not required to construct an access roadway in the rural 1(a) zone, although the relevant state bodies must be consulted when building a roadway across a watercourse or if there is the potential to interrupt normal water flows.

Council approval is, however, required before constructing an access roadway in the rural 1(d) (rural residential) zone.

All residents require Council approval to import ‘fill’ onto their property. In most cases, this requirement can be satisfied by simply requesting that the supplier identify the source of any material, and advising Council of same. Material from any commercial quarry or soil yard will generally not be a problem, but the source of any material supplied by an earthmoving contractor should be verified with Council as acceptable before being accepted.


  1. Pete Harrison ~ The Palerang Blog cross-reference
    1 July 2012 @ 14:08

    […] I touched on some aspects of earthworks and development consent in an earlier posting. […]

  2. Pete Harrison ~ The QPR Blog cross-reference
    25 February 2019 @ 08:39

    […] Earthworks […]

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