The QPR Blog

…local government stuff you never even thought to ask about…

More on Rates

Posted by Pete on 29 October 2019
Filed under: Rates

Following on from the previous post on rating categories, the definition of rural residential land that is provided in the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act), the explicit size requirement in particular, provides a bit of a problem in the present context. (more…)

Rating Categories

Posted by Pete on 30 September 2019
Filed under: Rates

In my previous post, we took a look at a couple of specific, current issues relating to the rating system. For those less familiar with the system in general, I thought it might help to step back a little and provide some broader context. (more…)

Rating Season

Posted by Pete on 30 August 2019
Filed under: Rates

Rarely are residents’ interests in council activities piqued as consistently as they are with the issue of the annual rates notices. This year has been no exception and with the recent release of the report from the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) on their review of the NSW rating system it seemed like an entirely appropriate subject for discussion. (more…)

Property Valuations

Posted by Pete on 29 March 2016
Filed under: Rates,Regulations

In the last couple of months, all Palerang residents should have received a Notice of Valuation from the NSW Valuer General, so I thought it might be worthwhile going over how these valuations are derived and how they are used by Council in determining council rates. (more…)

Special Rate Variations

Posted by Pete on 30 September 2015
Filed under: Rates

This seemed like a timely opportunity to provide an update on Council’s ongoing efforts to address the directives provided under the NSW Government’s Fit For the Future (FFTF) program. (more…)

Waste Management

Posted by Pete on 29 July 2014
Filed under: Rates,Rubbish

Having dealt with rates (to some extent) and roads in recent posts, I thought I’d round out council’s three ‘R’s with a few words on rubbish. It’s a bit of a dirty subject in several ways, not least because of the costs involved.

Most readers will be aware that new waste transfer stations are under construction at both the current Bungendore and Macs Reef Road tip sites. The works that are currently under way in both locations are plain to see. Both facilities are due to come into service on 4 December 2014. At this time, the associated landfill areas will be closed, and Palerang Council’s waste management model will change, most significantly in that residents will be charged at the gate of the new facilities to dispose of rubbish. (more…)

Local Government Funding

Posted by Pete on 31 May 2014
Filed under: Business,General,Rates,Rubbish

At the risk of sounding like I’m making a political statement in the shadow of the federal budget, but following on from the posts of recent months, I thought I’d provide an overview of the regular sources of funding that allow council to carry on its business. Of course it’s budget time for council too, so the following information is also topical in that respect. All quoted figures are from council’s most recent (2012-2013) Audit Report. (more…)

You and Your Rates

Posted by Pete on 24 November 2013
Filed under: Rates

This subject comes up from time to time, in various forums. It can be a complex issue, and I can’t possibly cover everything in just one post.

While it’s probably less of an issue for rural residential properties, a rates notice generally includes several line items: typically ordinary rates and a list of applicable charges. (more…)
