The QPR Blog

…local government stuff you never even thought to ask about…

Road Naming

Posted by Pete on 27 March 2018
Filed under: Regulations,Roads

Have you ever wondered how roads get their names? People will have noticed that there are roads that have been named in recognition of local features, historical or present, or in recognition of people who have been historically associated with the area being serviced by the road. But there are a few formalities that need to be addressed, if you’ll pardon the pun, before a name appears on a street sign.

Legal & Practical Access

Posted by Pete on 25 August 2017
Filed under: Roads

With recent changes to the legislation governing the management of Crown lands, I thought it would be worth revisiting the subject of one of my first pieces on Road Reserves. (more…)

Bridge Infrastructure

Posted by Pete on 30 April 2014
Filed under: Roads

Following on from last month’s piece, where we discussed road infrastructure, this month I thought I’d try to provide a little insight into the challenges associated with bridge maintenance in our shire. Palerang is by no means the only shire impacted by the need to replace aging bridge infrastructure. It is a common problem in rural areas, where bridges may have been built to fill a need at a particular time in history, but with heavier vehicles and increased usage are no longer up to the task. (more…)

Road Infrastructure

Posted by Pete on 31 March 2014
Filed under: Roads

We’ve held a number of community information sessions over the past couple of years, in conjunction with major road works, to help people understand the road building process. We’ve also presented some background information on council‘s road infrastructure that I thought may be of general interest. (more…)

Road Reserves

Posted by Pete on 30 January 2012
Filed under: Regulations,Roads

I’ve had a couple of queries of late relating to road reserves. Misunderstandings surrounding the limitations associated with crown road reserves in particular have caused some grief.

Crown road reserves are generally parcels of land that were set aside for road access to land allocations at the time they were originally surveyed, sometimes back as far as the 1800s. Roads have indeed been built on many of these reserves, but many are also just vacant crown land. (more…)
