Council Involvement
I have been involved with Palerang Council, as an interested member of the public, since its inception. I stood as a candidate at the last full Council election in 2008, as a 'supporting member' of a Group promoting more equitable treatment of Palerang's rural residential communities. My primary goal in that exercise was to gain more experience with the local government election process.
Since the election of the current Council, I have attended all but one of Council's public meetings, with the explicit intention of staying abreast of the issues before Council so that I would be in the best possible position to take on a more formal role should the opportunity present itself.
As part of my involvement in Council issues, I maintained a set of web pages, covering those activities, on the Wamboin Community Association website. My analyses of previous Council elections remain on that website, but I have transferred my efforts relating to current Council issues to the pages that are now available under the Palerang Info Zone link in the left side menu.