The QPR Blog

…local government stuff you never even thought to ask about…

Palerang Local Environmental Plan

Posted by Pete on 9 December 2012
Filed under: Regulations

The new draft Palerang Local Environmental Plan (PLEP) is now on public exhibition. As part of the exhibition process, council will be running a series of public information sessions throughout the shire to provide background information to interested residents. The schedule for these session is as follows:

Monday 10 December 6-8pm Bungendore Council Chambers
Tuesday 11 December 6-8pm Burra Community Hall
Thursday 13 December 6-8pm Captains Flat Community Hall
Sunday 16 December 10-12am Araluen Community Hall
Sunday 16 December 2-4pm Braidwood National Theatre
Monday 17 December 6-8pm Wamboin Community Hall


Developer Contributions

Posted by Pete on 28 November 2012
Filed under: Regulations

A few months ago, I sat in on a public meeting to discuss subdivision options for certain blocks in Bungendore. One resident was quite surprised to discover that they couldn’t simply put up a fence across their yard and sell the part they weren’t living on. (more…)

Lot Size Averaging Update

Posted by Pete on 19 November 2012
Filed under: Regulations

In an earlier post on the subject of lot size averaging I discussed the implications of a last minute change made by the outgoing Council to the draft Palerang Local Environmental Plan (PLEP).

After a minor procedural hiccup, the new Council has succeeded in reversing this particular amendment, effectively leaving rural subdivision arrangements as they currently stand until any change can be justified through an appropriate Rural Settlement Study. (more…)

Property Identification Codes

Posted by Pete on 12 October 2012
Filed under: Regulations

For some time it has been a requirement in NSW for owners of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs to have a Property Identification Code (PIC) when trading or moving these livestock.

From 1 September 2012, anyone who keeps livestock in NSW will be required to obtain a PIC for the land on which the livestock are kept.


Unwanted Noise

Posted by Pete on 30 September 2012
Filed under: General

I was approached ‘indirectly’ by a resident in a rural residential area who was having trouble with motorbike noise on an adjacent property. The response provided by Council’s planning staff might be of interest to others. (more…)

Palerang Community Voice

Posted by Pete on 8 August 2012
Filed under: General

There were three primary issues that I wanted to address when I came to Council just over a year ago. These issues all centred on improving Council’s approach to community engagement, through adopting a more service oriented approach to decision making, making more effort to communicate with the wider community, and being more transparent with its decision making processes. (more…)

Voting in Local Government Elections

Posted by Pete on 30 July 2012
Filed under: General

As the 2012 Council elections approach, it’s a good time to review how votes are distributed under the proportional representation voting system that is used for Local Government elections. The following is by necessity a simplified overview. The interested reader should consult Schedule 5 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 for more detail. (more…)

Lot Size Averaging

Posted by Pete on 30 July 2012
Filed under: Regulations

There has been a flurry of activity in the lead up to the September elections. Unfortunately, this has not been related to election activities as such, but rather the hasty revision of provisions governing subdivision in the current Rural 1(a) zone before the end of the term of the present Council, which just happens to be dominated by individuals with large rural land holdings. (more…)

More on Earthworks

Posted by Pete on 30 June 2012
Filed under: Regulations

I touched on some aspects of earthworks and development consent in an earlier posting.

Following another query relating to earthworks, I thought a little more information might be of interest. The following is the clause relating to earthworks from the draft Palerang Local Environmental Plan 2012. It outlines what earthworks activities require development consent and why. (more…)

Waste Management Surveys

Posted by Pete on 27 May 2012
Filed under: Community

In recent months, Council has conducted a number of surveys in individual rural communities to gauge attitudes towards roadside waste collection services. Council currently maintains recycling stations at strategic points throughout the shire, but several communities have expressed concerns in the face of abuse of these facilities, some of which have simply become public dumping grounds for passers-by. From Council’s perspective, contamination of recyclables with general waste was also defeating the entire purpose of its effort to encourage recycling. (more…)

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