The Election of the Mayor

The Local Government Act allows for a Council to be led by a mayor who is elected in one of two ways. The mayor may be elected each year from within the ranks of elected councillors, by the councillors themselves, or at the time of a council election, by the electorate. Thus, the term of office of the mayor is one year when elected by the councillors, or four years when elected by the electorate.

Of the 152 Local Government Areas in NSW, 121 are currently served by a mayor elected by the councillors and 31 by one who is chosen by the electorate.

At the 2008 local government elections, seven LGAs held referenda on the popular election of the mayor, with the following results (five carried, two defeated): Burwood 63% For, Cobar 51% Against, Kempsey 57% For, Ku-ring-gai 50.07% Against, Mosman 66% For, Port Stephens 74% For, Snowy River 60% For.

No LGAs held referenda to abolish the popular election of the mayor.
