The Case For the
Popular Election of the Mayor
The following is the case, as prepared by Council, for the popular election of the mayor of Palerang.
- The position of Mayor, as the leader of Council, should be determined directly by the voters.
- Popular election of the Mayor could give predictability about the style and direction of the Council leadership for a period of four years.
- The Mayor would be able to provide leadership to the strategic directions and long-term planning and policy setting.
- Election of the Mayor by the people would remove the internal politics of Councillors each year during the time leading up to the election of Mayor.
- Popular election of Mayor would give residents an opportunity to consider Mayoral candidates’ policies and vote accordingly.
- Popular election of Mayor would make the position of Mayor more accountable to residents.
- The possibility of a Mayor being elected “out of the hat” is avoided in the event of two or more Councillors receiving equal votes from their peers.
Documents prepared in conjunction with referenda on the method of electing the mayor of an LGA have not been as easy to locate as those on the subject of wards. In fact, the only case I have been able to find to date is that presented by Mosman Council and reproduced below.
Case presented by Mosman Council
- The position of Mayor, as the leader of Council should be determined directly by the voters with the Mayor accountable to residents
- Popular election of the Mayor would give predictability about the style and direction of the Council leadership and stability to the office for a period of four years
- The Mayor would be able to provide leadership, adhere to agreed strategic directions and influence long term planning and policy setting
- Election of the Mayor by the people would remove the internal politics of Councillors each year during the time leading up to the election of Mayor
- Popular election of Mayor would give residents an opportunity to consider Mayoral candidates’ policies and vote accordingly
- The possibility of a Mayor being elected “out of the hat” is avoided in the event of two or more Councillors receiving equal votes from their peers
- Popular election of Mayor would make the position of Mayor more accountable to residents