
Community Engagement Strategy


This strategy identifies localities, population groups and organisations within the Palerang local government area that have been targeted in community engagement processes to enable the development of the Council’s Community Strategic Plan. It also describes the approach and methodologies used for engagement and identifies the principles that have guided the processes.

A set of outcomes for both the community and the Council are also listed in the Strategy that have informed the design and implementation of the engagement process.

Guiding Principles

The community strategic planning processes and service delivery in Palerang are guided by principles applying to social justice and sustainability.

Principles of Social Justice

  • Equity – there is fairness in the distribution of resources
  • Rights – people's rights are recognised and promoted
  • Access – people have fair access to the economic resources and services essential to meet their basic needs and to improve their quality of life
  • Participation – people have opportunities for genuine participation and consultation about decisions affecting their lives

Principles of Sustainability

  • Social enhancement – Council’s decisions-making processes lead to greater physical, cultural and financial access and equity in the provision of services and facilities
  • Environmental quality – resources are used prudently in the delivery of services and facilities, improving overall environmental amenity, while reducing the effect on natural assets
  • Economic prosperity – sustainable local development of jobs, business prosperity and market growth is promoted and supported
  • Governance – the council business and activities are managed and undertaken in a manner that is transparent and accountable and achieve the long-term goals of the organisation

Stakeholders in Palerang

To enable completion of the Community Strategic Plan for Palerang, Council’s IP & R team identified the following towns, villages and localities, and community sectors for focus during the community engagement process:

  • Towns and villages
    Bungendore, Braidwood, Captains Flat, Araluen and Nerriga
  • Localities
    Burra, Gundillion and Wamboin
  • Community sectors
    The local rural population
    Business owners
    Government agencies with responsibilities within the council area
    Non-government and community organisations
    Secondary schools within the council area

Outcomes of Community Engagement

In working towards the development and completion of the Integrated Planning and Reporting framework, community engagement processes to be conducted across Palerang were designed and managed to deliver the following community (external) and organisational (internal) outcomes:

Community outcomes

  • Identify community priorities and expectations for the future of the local area
  • Build positive relationships between Council and local communities
  • Foster a greater community understanding of the role and responsibilities of Council
  • Build community ownership of and connectedness with the Council’s Community Strategic Planning process
  • Provide opportunities for all community members to participate in the development of a vision and long term goals for the local area
  • Foster common understandings and productive relationships with other service delivery agencies within the public and private sectors
  • Determine community expectations regarding Council’s service levels

Outcomes for Council

  • Develop clear strategic objectives for Council
  • Build council capacities in working with local community groups
  • Development of a cross-council understanding of and familiarity with local communities
  • Create opportunities to examine how staff roles and activities relate to the broader community
  • Facilitate greater organisational understanding of and participation in the Integrated Planning and Reporting process
  • Provide councillors with opportunities for frontline involvement in community engagement activities
  • Build councillor awareness of the importance of their role in community leadership

Community Engagement Processes

Eleven forums were held across the council area over a two week period, comprising eight community forums, two business and government forums,and youth forum.

Community Forums

Community forums drew attendees from the following areas:

  • Araluen and surrounding rural districts
  • Braidwood and surrounding rural districts
  • Bungendore and surrounding rural districts
  • Burra and surrounding rural districts
  • Captains Flat and surrounding rural districts
  • Gundillion and surrounding rural districts
  • Nerriga and surrounding rural districts
  • Wamboin and surrounding rural districts

Approximately 280 people participated in the community forums.

Business and Government Forums

Forums specifically geared toward business and government groups were held in:

  • Braidwood
  • Bungendore

Approximately 60 people participated in the business and government forums.

Youth Forum

The Youth Forum was held in Bungendore, attracting around 20 students from the Braidwood Central School.


A targeted telephone survey was conducted on a stratified random sample basis. The survey adopted the same questioning approach as the forums to ensure consistency in the data obtained. A total participation of 1100 people was achieved through the survey.

Appreciative Inquiry

Palerang’s community engagement process adopted an ‘Appreciative Inquiry’ approach as an effective tool for community visioning. This approach used a series of questions, applied consistently across the forums and surveys, to determine participants ideas and opinions according to the following themes:

  • Where are we now?
    what we value about the local community and area at present
  • Where are we going?
    significant local issues that need to addressed
  • Where do we want to be?
    long term goals that we would like to achieve for the local area
  • How do we get there?
    strategies to achieve our goals
  • How will we know when we’ve arrived?
    indicators of achievement of goals

Publicity and Community Information

To enable the community strategic planning process to develop a high profile within the Palerang community, it was important to give the process a distinct identity whilst maintaining strong links with Council. This identity was developed through the creation of a specific name and logo and through a range of publicity and community information activities that included:

  • Development and distribution of a community briefing paper
  • Local radio interviews – Mayor and GM
  • Local newspapers – articles / press releases / Council advertisement
  • Town / village newsletters
  • Posters and flyers to publicise the community strategic planning and give community engagement processes a high profile