Palerang-Wide Surveys

Since the formation of the Palerang LGA in 2004, Palerang Council has conducted three surveys that have included, or been entirely devoted to matters associated with its waste management strategy. Links to the relevant survey documents (questionnaires and/or results) are provided below.

Community Telephone Survey
(Artcraft Research, 2005)

This report covers a community survey undertaken by Artcraft Research for Palerang Council during April 2005. The study involved administration, by telephone, of a questionnaire to a stratified, random sample of 1,100 people (aged 18 years and over) drawn from throughout the Palerang LGA. The survey covered subjects including the pending Local Environmental Plan, waste management, rate increases, Council’s draft vision statement, and the Management Plan for the coming year.

PDF Artcraft Research Survey Results [557 KB]

Resource Recovery Strategy
(Pryor Knowledge, 2006)

In 2006, Council contracted consulting firm Pryor Knowledge to develop a Resource Recovery Strategy for Palerang. As part of this exercise, the consultant conducted a survey directed at ascertaining community attitudes towards waste management and resource recovery.

PDF Questionnaire [123 KB]
PDF Report [618 KB]
PDF Attachments 1-5 [385 KB]
PDF Attachments 6-11 [1.3 MB]

Community Telephone Survey
(Winton Sustainable Research Strategies, 2012)

A targeted telephone survey was carried out as part of the IP & R process that led to the development of the Palerang Community Strategic Plan. Participants were asked to respond to the same basic questions that were presented in the IP & R community forums, although the format was adapted to the present medium.

The survey was, however, more comprehensive than this in that it also sought to follow up on the 2005 Artcraft Research Survey, in an effort to gauge any change in the nature and attitude of Palerang residents in the intervening period.

The survey was conducted on a stratified random sample basis, involving 1100 residents, and adopted the same questioning approach as the forums to ensure consistency in the data obtained.

PDF Winton Survey Results (2012) [1.1 MB]

Community Telephone Survey (including FFTF Questions)
(Winton Sustainable Research Strategies, 2015)

A targeted telephone survey was carried out in conjunction with the preparation of Council's response to the NSW Government's Fit for the Future initiative. The survey was, nonetheless, carried out along the same lines as previous telephone surveys, with similar questions to gauge any changes in attitude since the last survey in 2012.

On this occasion, participants were also asked a number of questions to help identify their community of interest, in support of one aspect of Council's FFTF proposal.

The survey was conducted on a stratified random sample basis, involving 1100 residents, and adopted the same questioning approach as the forums to ensure consistency in the data obtained.

PDF Winton Survey Results (2015) [1.4 MB]