Natural Environment

What we value

Palerang has extensive natural areas with pristine streams and forests containing a diversity of flora and fauna, some of which are rare and endangered and unique to the area.

Our natural environment includes significant geographical features such as Mt Palerang, the Big Hole, the Shoalhaven River and Lake George. We appreciate easy access to our local natural environment and nearby mountains, snowfields and beaches.

We value our peace and quiet, clean air, clear open skies, and a good climate with four distinct seasons.

Priorities for the future

We are concerned about impacts on our natural environment resulting from human activity including population growth, development and the compounding effects of climate change. We need to consider impacts specific to Palerang which may include increased fire and flood risk and loss of water resources.

We need to address problems resulting from the proliferation of weeds, pests and feral and domestic animals and the impacts of these on the natural ecosystem.

Environmental education is needed to promote sustainable living, minimise consumption of finite resources and reduce our carbon footprint.

We need assurance that national parks, reserves and forests will be properly and responsibly managed and make allowances for appropriate public access. State agencies need to work cooperatively with landowners to develop a “good neighbour” attitude, and vice versa.

Our goal

The good health of our natural environment and biodiversity is protected and enhanced.


Establish education programs to raise awareness of the responsibilities of landholders regarding management of land.
Involve the community in maintaining and enhancing environmental health.
Ensure that planning policies and processes protect and enhance our natural environment and biodiversity.
Ensure that natural water resources are utilised in a sustainable manner, and kept clean and healthy with adequate environmental flows.
Minimise the impact of weeds and pest animals on the natural environment.
Involve appropriate regulatory and enforcement agencies in proactively addressing environmental issues.
Adopt a regional approach to the management of our natural environment.

Indicators of success

Palerang is home to a thriving biodiversity that contributes to the health of our natural environment.
Feral plants and animals within the Palerang local government area are decreasing and are continuing to decline.
Carbon emissions from human activities within the Palerang local government area have decreased to a satisfactory level and continue to decline.
The Palerang community is satisfied that national parks, reserves and forests are well managed and appropriately accessible to the public.
Water resources are managed effectively and sustainably.