Transport & Infrastructure

What we value

Our location between the ACT and the coast affords us easy access to a range of transport modes including air, rail and major roads and highways.

We value the range of local services and facilities that we have.

Priorities for the future

Our road infrastructure requires extensive maintenance and upgrading with an equitable focus of works across the council area.

The cost of providing adequate infrastructure for our existing and expanding community requires additional financial support.

Our local area needs more comprehensive telecommunications infrastructure to ensure equitable access and coverage for our towns, villages and outlying areas.

Communities across our council area would be better connected through provision of more comprehensive public transport services.

Local groundwater resources need careful management to ensure their protection against possible future depletion.

We need to better utilise local opportunities for renewable power generation.

We will need to adopt principles of sustainability to guide us in future infrastructure development.

Our goal

Palerang enjoys safe, functional, accessible and well-maintained infrastructure and comprehensive local and regional transport networks.


Ensure that community assets and public infrastructure are maintained and improved to a reasonable standard.
Undertake necessary planning to ensure that provision of public infrastructure reflects the needs of a growing and changing population.
Adopt an equitable approach in the provision of, and access to, telecommunications services and infrastructure across Palerang.
Support Palerang communities through provision of transport services linking them locally and regionally, and make better use of our rail assets.
Ensure that Palerang communities have local access to quality educational and medical services and facilities.
Improve traffic management and road safety throughout Palerang.

Indicators of success

The provision and maintenance of quality public facilities and infrastructure, including water supply, sewerage and waste, reflects population growth and demand.
There is increasing community satisfaction with the standard and condition of the Palerang road network and traffic facilities.
All areas of Palerang have access to high standard telecommunications including mobile telephone, internet and media services.
Communities of Palerang are serviced by scheduled public transport that meets local demand.
Communities of Palerang have improved access to local health and education services and facilities.